CALLING…..a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence
The Calling was born out of a desire and responsibility to mentor young adults or “twenty-somethings,” who have accepted God’s call into vocational ministry. The second weekend in January of 2025, a group of these confirmed ministers from various denominations will embark on a mission leading them through intense training and thoughtful discussion designed to equip them to answer this call.
What is The Calling?
The Calling is 3 power-packed days of intensive ministry training with founders Beth and Curt Johnson. Beth and Curt are passionate about pouring into the next generation of ministers and equipping them for the ministry to which they are called. It is a weekend full of worship, prayer, truth, wisdom and impartation.
Our Team

Curt & Beth Johnson
Evangelists, Pastors and Co-founders

Josh & Megan Lane
Worship Pastors | Blackshear, GA

Nick & Channe'l Dalton
Pastors, The Jefferson Church | Jefferson, GA
The Ark on Lake Lanier in Gainesville, Georgia is the gathering place for The Calling Weekend. It is a central location, providing ample meeting space and comfortable accommodations, on the shores of one of the most beautiful lakes in the southeast.
Continue the Call
After The Calling Weekend, Beth invites every participant to Continue The Call. She will host a monthly, one-hour zoom session for the year of 2025. During each session, she will discuss a different topic pertaining to life in the ministry. It is Beth's desire to mentor young men and women in ministry that God has connected her to.
Ecclesiastes 4 tells us "that two are better than one..., and a cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Part of the vision of The Calling is to create a network of like-minded people who can provide support, friendship, and share ideas, all with the goal of furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We're counting down the days!!
The Calling Needs You!
You can be a part of this event by diligently praying for the leaders and the applicants.
If the Lord lays on your heart to support an applicant who may attend the The Calling, you can make a tax deductible donation online or by making checks payable to Beth Stephens Ministries, Inc.
Online Giving
Click here to give online.
Cash or Check
P.O. Box 786
Zebulon, GA 30295